Midal has been accredited and demonstrated compliance with ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories) the requirements of the IAS Accreditation Criteria for Testing Laboratories (AC89) commencing April 10, 2014 

IAS is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that has been a recognized accreditation body since 1975. IAS accredits testing and calibration laboratories, inspection agencies, building departments, fabricator inspection programs and IBC special inspection agencies. IAS is one of the leading accreditation bodies in the United States and a signatory to several international mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs) worldwide, which includes ILAC. 

With this recognition from Accreditation body in meeting the ISO/IEC 17025 standard requirements, Midal Quality Management System once again proves its technical competence and professional approach in serving its customers and reiterates its commitment to remain in the forefront of the industry by providing service to our clients with added confidence and recognitions on a Global Scale. 
